its 2008, so what’s cooking ?

was a pretty good day at work yesterday.. got my pay in, applying for 12 days off for CNY and my bike is working well (not great but well) now i am just going to get to the bank to take out my pay =) /happy.

so whats new this 2008 ? i got myself a new set of threads. all thanks to many many people’s bickering. esp sasi. at least his effort were not a total lost =) just need to get a couple more and i am ready to venture into 2008.

oh yeah…. thanks to Cikgu, Bingo & Pongs for the dinner.


one year older is one year wiser. wakakakaka.

btw, i am rethinking for a career change, anyone got anything up ? do hit me up.

kk, the sausages are boiling. gotta get back to them.

HAVE BLASTFUL 2008 guys !


G1 Predaking MIB – all mint in box. its form 1987 i think. only missing 1 gun for headstrong. all else 100% complete. asking price RM 2200.00.

~ by Mogg on January 5, 2008.

3 Responses to “its 2008, so what’s cooking ?”

  1. Lemma like that also wanna advertise ..cheesepox 🙂

    Better buy them piants .. later i koyak wht ever you have eerr.. !!! (Geram)

  2. dun let the monkeys see the new pants.

  3. no they wont. i didnt wash them yet 🙂


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